Tigotà Spring Run

The Project

Tigotà Spring Run originated from an idea by Tigotà, a brand of Gottardo S.p.A., which employs over 5,000 people and has more than 700 stores across much of Italy. The mission of Tigotà has always been to help people take care of themselves and their homes: with the creation of a new charity run, the brand wanted to extend the concept of care to those in greater need, providing concrete and tangible support. The first edition of the completely charitable and non-competitive run took place on Sunday, April 14, 2024, in Bologna, on a circuit of about 6 km within the Giardini Margherita. Sponsored by the Municipality of Bologna, the event was organized to support the creation of the new Women's Oncology Day Hospital at the Bologna Polyclinic, one of the latest projects promoted by the Sant'Orsola Foundation.


  • Strategic Consulting
  • Naming, Logo, and Concept Creation
  • Graphic Design
  • Social Media Management
  • Digital Advertising
  • Web and Creative Design
  • Website Development
  • Press Office
  • Photo, Video, and Content Production
  • Event Coordination and Media Coverage

Naming, Logo, and Concept Creation

YAK Agency took care of the naming, logo, and concept creation for the event, proposing “Tigotà Spring Run” to communicate the promoting brand of the initiative, the "running" type of the event, and to evoke spring, inspiring concepts such as positivity, renewal, and blooming. The payoff "Fai sbocciare la solidarietà" ("Let Solidarity Bloom") was designed to evoke the concept of spring and emphasize the charitable purpose of the run. With the aim of coordinating all communication and supporting materials, the official visual of the event was also created.

Graphic design of promotional materials

The agency was responsible for creating the event's concept and designing all the necessary digital and printed materials for its identification and promotion: advertising materials and supports, signage, merchandising, website design and advertising campaigns, content for social media and newsletters, and graphics for video editing. The portal www.tigotaspringrun.com was optimized to narrate the project and participation methods, collect registrations and donations, and highlight the promoter and beneficiary of the initiative.

Press Office

YAK Agency managed the press office activities for the "Tigotà Spring Run" event. This included drafting and distributing press releases, organizing press conferences, and coordinating interviews with media outlets to ensure comprehensive media coverage. The goal was to maximize visibility for the event, highlight its charitable purpose, and engage a wide audience through various media channels.

Event Coordination and Media Coverage

YAK Agency supported the Tigotà team by providing two Account Managers to direct and supervise all aspects related to the organization and success of the event: from liaising with institutions to defining the route, coordinating staff, monitoring registrations, and handling all logistics and safety procedures. Finally, a team of content creators documented the highlights of the first edition of the run with photos and video clips.

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