Mediastars 2024: YAK Agency on the podium for the corporate identity of the Vetagro project

18 June 2024
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For the second consecutive year, YAK Agency has received another significant recognition from Mediastar, the technical advertising award, for its outstanding brand communication for the Vetagro project.

In the setting of the Auditorium San Fedele, just steps away from the Milan Cathedral, the award ceremony for the 28th edition of the Mediastars Prizes was held last Thursday, June 6. For nearly 30 years, inspired by the three stars of creativity, this event has offered moments dedicated to art, culture, and communication.

The jury, consisting of 200 marketing and communication experts selected from among Creative Directors, Founders, and CEOs of leading Italian companies, awarded the Second Prize and two special mentions for Art Direction and Graphic Design to the Padua-based agency of Giovanni Cecolin and Marco Dalla Dea for the Visual Identity and Integrated Communication project for the client  Vetagro, a pioneering company in the study and development of feed additives through microencapsulation technology.




YAK Agency began with the redesign of Vetagro's logo, which, at the client's request, had to retain its original shape but was modernized through the selection of a new font and two new shades from the institutional color palette. Starting from the letter V in the name, to reinforce the brand's uniqueness and identity, a Visual Hammer was created to be used as a recurring and identifying element in all communication materials, from coordinated images to the iconographic study of product lines (Ruminants, Poultry, Swine, Aqua, and Pet). These lines underwent a restyling to give each of them its own identity while ensuring consistency across all. Each product line was assigned a color, and with these elements, the individual brochures were revised. The new visual identity was also applied to the website, which was redesigned, and used to create content for social media, managed by YAK Agency (Facebook and LinkedIn). Consistent with the new image, advertising campaigns were created for industry magazines to promote Vetagro's products, developing an attractive style without losing sight of the technical and professional nature of the message.

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- A uniform and integrated communication that provides uniqueness, coherence, authority, professionalism, and identity to a brand, making it more recognizable.
- A contemporary identity in line with an internationally established company, a historic reality that looks to the future by focusing on research and technology.

A big thank you to the entire YAK Agency team for achieving this great result!