
AmatÍ è il magazine di lifestyle edito da Gottardo Spa, proprietaria del marchio Tigotà e leader in Italia nella vendita di prodotti per la cura della casa e della persona. Viene distribuito in oltre 600 punti vendita in tutta Italia, con una tiratura di 250.000 copie a numero e cadenza bimestrale. La rivista comprende articoli dedicati alla moda, alla bellezza, allo sport, alla cucina, all’intrattenimento e all’attualità, e si rivolge prevalentemente ad un target femminile, puntando su contenuti visivi e testuali di qualità.


  • Magazine redesign
  • Graphic design
  • Content production
  • Printing management

Magazine redesign

Starting from a new size (bigger than the previous one) and from the elaboration of a new visual concept, YAK Agency worked on the total redesign of the magazine, from the point of view of contents and of the layout, studying a solution that could improve the readability of the articles and opting for a stye that could be more similar to that of the main existing lifestyle magazines. As for textual contents, YAK Agency’s team developed the reorganization of the sections of the magazine, which have been conceived to meet the interests of the target, while the creative department of the agency dealt with the study of a new layout for the cover, the table of contents, the editorial, the articles and the advertorials. The magazine is now characterized by completely new style and format. 

Graphic redesign

For each issue (five throughout the year), YAK Agency’s team will deal with the graphic study and the layout of the single contents, starting from the new version and assigning personalized graphic options to each content.

Content production

Starting from identifying the main theme of each issue and from the new subdivision of the main categories of the magazine, YAK Agency will deal with the realization of the contents for each issue, involving internal and external journalists and contend editors.
