Tigotà Spring Run originated from an idea by Tigotà, a brand of Gottardo S.p.A., which employs over 5,000 people and has more than 700 stores across much of Italy. The mission of Tigotà has always been to help people take care of themselves and their homes: with the creation of a new charity run, the brand wanted to extend the concept of care to those in greater need, providing concrete and tangible support. The first edition of the completely charitable and non-competitive run took place on Sunday, April 14, 2024, in Bologna, on a circuit of about 6 km within the Giardini Margherita. Sponsored by the Municipality of Bologna, the event was organized to support the creation of the new Women's Oncology Day Hospital at the Bologna Polyclinic, one of the latest projects promoted by the Sant'Orsola Foundation.